Monday, March 8, 2010

penis size problem facts and solve

whole of the world  large number of men are concerned about the size of their penis even though what they have is more than enough for them to be great in bed. When it comes to size of the penis, The Bigger the Better is the popular belief. At times, this obsession with size can come in the way of sexual performance. Here we discuss the issue of penis size from the medical standpoint and clear some misconceptions about penile size.
                 Does penil size matter?  

Research shows that the extent to which penis size matters varies greatly from woman to woman. It is certainly not the only thing that matters for any woman.
Length of the penis is also of little importance to most women. An unusually long penis can actually be uncomfortable for some. Girth matters to some women, but not to all.
No matter how much doctors and counsellors explain, men continue to be extremely sensitive about the size of their organ. Even though it is difficult for women to understand why this is such a big issue for their man, they should be careful not to say anything derogatory about a man's penis size, or hint that they think that it is smaller than they would like it to be
What's the average penis size?

A non-erect penis usually measures between 8.5cm and 10.5cm (3-4 inches) from tip to base

The average size is about 9.5 cm (3.75 inches), but this number is of little value

People tend to think that taller men have longer penis, but this is not correct

Short men are known to have more than average penis size. Same way, some tall and well built men have smaller than average penis.

You should also know that penis size has nothing to do with race

Penis size and women

The chief reason why the penis size is of little importance is that the vagina is a flexible organ that will expand or contract according to the size of the penis

This means that any man's penis will fill any woman's vagina completely, except in very rare cases where the erect penile length is less than four inches
This also means that somewhat larger penis can be accomodated in a woman's vagina, because it will exoand accordingly
How to increase penis size?
Pills or patches for increasing penis size are of no benefit
Penile enlargement exercises are of no benefit
Penile suction devices are of little benefit
Penile enlargement surgery: Possible, but involves certain risks
`Surgery to increase penis size:
The surgery is expensive and there is a risk of complications like bleeding, infection or deformity.
Penile stretchers:
Penile ‘stretchers’ are small rectangular frames that need to be worn on the penis on a regular basis. They work by pulling your organ to its maximum length, and gradually make them stay that way forever No one can make out that you are wearing a stretcher but the extent to which they help is limited. Some men have had increase in length of up to 2 cm.

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